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Email Notification




Email Notification


1Email Notification will allow you to set notification email address used for your eGateway System account.


Figure 88


2Accessing Email Notification option will navigate you to the Email Notification page.


Figure 89


3Click on New link to create and setup an email notification address.


Figure 90




4Select the require Module ID from drop down lookup.


Figure 91


5Define the User Id from the lookup table where all created users will be displayed.


Figure 92


6System will retrieve the information belonging to the selected User Id and display in the entries.


Figure 93


7Click on   button to save the entries and message Record successfully saved!” will be displayed.


8Created records will be displayed on the listing and you will be allowed to edit or delete the require records accordingly. 



Figure 94


9Click Edit link to edit your existing records and entries screen will let you edit any necessary information.


10Click Delete link will let you delete unnecessary record after confirming deletion.


Figure 95


{End of User Guide}




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